Ratings Change: Discussion stirs around Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) this week; here is what …

December 9, 2016 – By Marguerite Chambers

Ratings Change: Discussion stirs around Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) this week; here is what analysts are saying.

Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) Ratings Coverage

Out of 4 analysts covering Control4 (NASDAQ:CTRL), 0 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 4 “Hold”. This means 0 are positive. Control4 has been the topic of 6 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. On Friday, October 30 the stock rating was downgraded by Needham to “Hold”. The stock of Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) has “In-Line” rating given on Monday, November 7 by Imperial Capital. The stock of Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) has “Hold” rating given on Friday, July 31 by Canaccord Genuity. On Friday, August 12 the stock rating was maintained by Imperial Capital with “In-Line”. Imperial Capital maintained the stock with “In-Line” rating in Tuesday, November 17 report. Bank of America downgraded Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) on Friday, October 30 to “Neutral” rating. Below is a list of Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) latest ratings and price target changes.

07/11/2016 Broker: Imperial Capital Rating: In-Line Old Target: $11 New Target: $12 Maintain
12/08/2016 Broker: Imperial Capital Rating: In-Line Old Target: $8.50 New Target: $11.00 Maintain

About 71,184 shares traded hands. Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) has risen 41.11% since May 6, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 31.92% the S&P500.

Control4 Corporation is a well-known provider of automation and control solutions for the connected home. The company has a market cap of $267.62 million. The Firm provides its clients with the ability to integrate audio, video, lighting, temperature, security, communications and other functionalities into a unified home-automation solution. It has a 32.66 P/E ratio. The Company’s solution functions as the operating system of the home, making connected devices work together to control, automate and personalize the homes and businesses of its consumers.

Insitutional Activity: The institutional sentiment increased to 1.83 in Q3 2016. Its up 0.95, from 0.88 in 2016Q2. The ratio improved, as 12 funds sold all Control4 Corp shares owned while 18 reduced positions. 21 funds bought stakes while 34 increased positions. They now own 15.21 million shares or 12.01% less from 17.28 million shares in 2016Q2.
Citigroup Incorporated has invested 0% of its portfolio in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL). Vanguard Group accumulated 700,691 shares or 0% of the stock. Moreover, State Street Corp has 0% invested in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) for 252,124 shares. Royal Financial Bank Of Canada owns 2,112 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. The New Jersey-based Landscape Mngmt Lc has invested 0.02% in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL). Huntington Bankshares last reported 951 shares in the company. Clarivest Asset Management Limited Co holds 87,398 shares or 0.03% of its portfolio. Jpmorgan Chase & Comm accumulated 105,301 shares or 0% of the stock. Blackrock Institutional Na accumulated 497,118 shares or 0% of the stock. Hamilton Lane holds 0.39% of its portfolio in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) for 63,006 shares. Schwab Charles holds 56,995 shares or 0% of its portfolio. New York State Common Retirement Fund has 19,000 shares for 0% of their US portfolio. Bank Of Montreal Can has 500 shares for 0% of their US portfolio. Systematic Fincl Ltd Partnership holds 0.4% of its portfolio in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) for 2.18 million shares. Deutsche Bancorp Ag accumulated 0% or 85,045 shares.

Insider Transactions: Since August 15, 2016, the stock had 0 buys, and 3 insider sales for $242,862 net activity. The insider Molyneux Phil sold $13,123. $216,746 worth of Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) was sold by Dungan Jefferson.

CTRL Company Profile

Control4 Corporation (Control4), incorporated on March 27, 2003, is a well-known provider of automation and control solutions for the connected home. The Firm provides its clients with the ability to integrate audio, video, lighting, temperature, security, communications and other functionalities into a unified home-automation solution. The Company’s solution functions as the operating system of the home, making connected devices work together to control, automate and personalize the homes and businesses of its consumers.

More recent Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) news were published by: Quotes.Wsj.com which released: “Control4 Corp. CTRL (US: Nasdaq)” on July 27, 2013. Also Valuewalk.com published the news titled: “Nishkama Capital Up 3% In Q3 Likes Control4 Corp.” on November 21, 2016. Fool.com‘s news article titled: “Why Control4 Corp.’s Shares Lost Control Today” with publication date: February 06, 2015 was also an interesting one.

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By Marguerite Chambers

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