Notable Runner: 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc's Stock Is Buy After Achieving 52-Week High

The stock of 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) hit a new 52-week high and has $11.60 target or 4.00% above today’s $11.15 share price. The 8 months bullish chart indicates low risk for the $741.96 million company. The 1-year high was reported on Dec, 20 by If the $11.60 price target is reached, the company will be worth $29.68 million more.
The 52-week high event is an important milestone for every stock because it shows very positive momentum and is time when buyers come in. During such notable technical setup, fundamental investors usually stay away and are careful shorting or selling the stock. The stock increased 5.69% or $0.6 during the last trading session, hitting $11.15. About 253,572 shares traded hands or 59.96% up from the average. 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) has risen 41.61% since May 17, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 31.09% the S&P500.

Analysts await 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) to report earnings on January, 26. They expect $0.95 earnings per share, up 3.26% or $0.03 from last year’s $0.92 per share. FLWS’s profit will be $63.22 million for 2.93 P/E if the $0.95 EPS becomes a reality. After $-0.24 actual earnings per share reported by 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc for the previous quarter, Wall Street now forecasts -495.83% EPS growth.

1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) Ratings Coverage

Out of 4 analysts covering 1-800-Flowers.Com (NASDAQ:FLWS), 4 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 0 “Hold”. This means 100% are positive. 1-800-Flowers.Com has been the topic of 7 analyst reports since August 31, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. Wunderlich maintained the shares of FLWS in a report on Tuesday, August 23 with “Buy” rating. As per Thursday, January 21, the company rating was initiated by Wunderlich. The company was reinitiated on Wednesday, August 17 by Ladenburg Thalmann. As per Monday, August 31, the company rating was maintained by Noble Financial. B. Riley & Co maintained the shares of FLWS in a report on Thursday, November 3 with “Buy” rating.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc. is a leading e-commerce provider of floral products and gifts, in terms of number of customers and revenue. With the development of the company’s online business and a strategic acquisition, they have continuously expanded their product offerings, most recently to include gourmet foods and home and garden merchandise. As a result, the company has developed relationships with customers who purchase products not only for gifting occasions but also for everyday consumption.”

Insitutional Activity: The institutional sentiment decreased to 1 in 2016 Q3. Its down 0.30, from 1.3 in 2016Q2. The ratio dived, as 14 funds sold all 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc shares owned while 33 reduced positions. 13 funds bought stakes while 34 increased positions. They now own 21.84 million shares or 0.85% more from 21.65 million shares in 2016Q2.
Moreover, Schwab Charles Investment Inc has 0% invested in 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) for 82,411 shares. The Switzerland-based Credit Suisse Ag has invested 0% in 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS). Moreover, Fincl Bank Of Montreal Can has 0% invested in 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) for 15,620 shares. Jag Management Ltd Com last reported 0.03% of its portfolio in the stock. The New York-based American Int Gru has invested 0% in 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS). State Street Corp owns 488,857 shares or 0% of their US portfolio. Citigroup accumulated 0% or 6,413 shares. Btc Cap Management, a Iowa-based fund reported 35,773 shares. Portolan Management Ltd has 0.38% invested in the company for 302,756 shares. Globeflex Capital Limited Partnership has 0.03% invested in the company for 15,259 shares. Teton Advsr has 485,500 shares for 0.39% of their US portfolio. Panagora Asset last reported 0% of its portfolio in the stock. Skylands Cap Lc has invested 0.27% of its portfolio in 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS). Barclays Public Limited Com has invested 0% of its portfolio in 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS). Moreover, Blackrock Grp Inc Ltd has 0% invested in 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) for 5,891 shares.

Insider Transactions: Since August 30, 2016, the stock had 0 insider buys, and 11 insider sales for $1.57 million net activity. $232,000 worth of 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) was sold by GALLAGHER GERARD M. The insider ELMORE LEONARD J sold 10,000 shares worth $98,500. 1,500 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) shares with value of $16,605 were sold by DeMark Eugene F. Calcano Lawrence sold 30,000 shares worth $295,500. $58,156 worth of 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) was sold by HARTNETT THOMAS G. SHEA WILLIAM E sold $50,150 worth of 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) on Monday, November 7. Another trade for 11,156 shares valued at $119,146 was sold by TAICLET DAVID.

More notable recent 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) news were published by: which released: “1-800 Flowers: Creating The Next Generation Gifting Powerhouse” on October 31, 2016, also with their article: “1-800-FLOWERS.COM Launches Beta of “GWYN”, an Artificial Intelligence Powered …” published on May 03, 2016, published: “1-800-FLOWERS.COM® To Offer Floral Gifting Through Amazon Alexa” on April 26, 2016. More interesting news about 1-800-Flowers.Com Inc (NASDAQ:FLWS) were released by: and their article: “At, brother succeeds founder as CEO” published on July 29, 2016 as well as‘s news article titled: “’s Holiday Sales Strategy” with publication date: December 07, 2016.

FLWS Company Profile

1-800-FLOWERS.COM, Inc., incorporated on June 30, 1992, is a well-known provider of gourmet food and floral gifts for all occasions. The Firm offers gifts for every occasion, including fresh flowers and a selection of plants, gift baskets, gourmet foods, confections, candles, balloons and stuffed animals. The Firm operates through three business divisions: Consumer Floral, Gourmet Food and Gift Baskets, and BloomNet Wire Service. The Consumer Floral segment includes the activities of the Company’s flagship brand,, and Flowerama. The Gourmet Food and Gift Baskets segment includes the activities of Harry & David (which includes Wolferman’s, Moose Munch and, Fannie May Confections Brands (which includes Harry London), Cheryl’s (which includes Mrs. Beasley’s), The Popcorn Factory, DesignPac and 1-800-Baskets. The BloomNet Wire Service segment includes the activities of BloomNet and Napco. The Company’s BloomNet international floral wire service ( provides a range of products and value-added services. The Company’s Celebrations suite of services include Celebrations Passport Free Shipping program, Celebrations Rewards and Celebrations RemindersSM.

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