Earnings Buzzer: The Profit of Control4 Corp (CTRL) Expected to Increase

November 2, 2016 – By Pete Kolinski

Wall Street await Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) to release earnings on November, 3. Analysts forecast EPS of $0.06, down exactly $0.02 or 25.00% from 2014’s $0.08 EPS. The expected CTRL’s profit could reach $1.40 million giving the stock 47.25 P/E in the case that $0.06 earnings per share is reported. After posting $0.02 EPS for the previous quarter, Control4 Corp’s analysts now forecast 200.00% EPS growth. About 175,150 shares traded hands. Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) has risen 42.34% since March 31, 2016 and is uptrending. It has outperformed by 39.81% the S&P500.

Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) Ratings Coverage

Out of 4 analysts covering Control4 (NASDAQ:CTRL), 0 rate it a “Buy”, 0 “Sell”, while 4 “Hold”. This means 0 are positive. Control4 has been the topic of 5 analyst reports since July 31, 2015 according to StockzIntelligence Inc. The rating was downgraded by Bank of America on Friday, October 30 to “Neutral”. The rating was maintained by Canaccord Genuity on Friday, July 31 with “Hold”. The firm has “In-Line” rating by Imperial Capital given on Friday, August 12. Imperial Capital maintained it with “In-Line” rating and $7.50 target price in Tuesday, November 17 report. The stock has “Hold” rating given by Needham on Friday, October 30.

Insitutional Activity: The institutional sentiment decreased to 0.88 in Q2 2016. Its down 1.37, from 2.25 in 2016Q1. The ratio is negative, as 6 funds sold all Control4 Corp shares owned while 27 reduced positions. 9 funds bought stakes while 20 increased positions. They now own 17.28 million shares or 4.64% less from 18.12 million shares in 2016Q1.
Clarivest Asset Mgmt Lc accumulated 0.01% or 36,100 shares. Credit Suisse Ag holds 0% of its portfolio in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) for 12,998 shares. The Massachusetts-based State Street has invested 0% in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL). Financial Bank Of New York Mellon Corp holds 0% of its portfolio in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) for 72,823 shares. National Bank & Trust Of Montreal Can has 500 shares for 0% of their US portfolio. Deutsche Financial Bank Ag has 0% invested in the company for 3,109 shares. Skylands Cap Limited Company has 0.52% invested in the company for 393,600 shares. Tiaa Cref Inv reported 68,198 shares or 0% of all its holdings. Renaissance Technologies Lc last reported 82,600 shares in the company. The New Jersey-based Jacobs Levy Equity Management has invested 0.02% in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL). Blackrock Japan Com Ltd has invested 0% of its portfolio in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL). The Tennessee-based First Mercantile Trust has invested 0.02% in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL). Moreover, Genesee Valley has 0.13% invested in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) for 23,725 shares. Great West Life Assurance Can holds 0% or 132,555 shares in its portfolio. Fmr Lc holds 0% of its portfolio in Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) for 500,000 shares.

Insider Transactions: Since August 15, 2016, the stock had 0 insider buys, and 2 insider sales for $229,739 net activity. 1,178 shares were sold by Molyneux Phil, worth $12,993. $216,746 worth of Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) shares were sold by Dungan Jefferson.

Control4 Corporation is a well-known provider of automation and control solutions for the connected home. The company has a market cap of $265.16 million. The Firm provides its clients with the ability to integrate audio, video, lighting, temperature, security, communications and other functionalities into a unified home-automation solution. It has a 35.54 P/E ratio. The Company’s solution functions as the operating system of the home, making connected devices work together to control, automate and personalize the homes and businesses of its consumers.

According to Zacks Investment Research, “Control4 Corporation is engaged in providing automation and control solutions for the connected home. The Company offers home operating system that interacts with various music, video, lighting, temperature, security, and communications. It also provides 4Sight subscription services, which allow consumers to control and monitor their homes remotely from their smartphone, tablet, or laptop. Control4 Corporation is headquartered in Salt Lake City, Utah.”

More important recent Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) news were published by: Quotes.Wsj.com which released: “Control4 Corp. CTRL (US: Nasdaq)” on July 27, 2013, also Fool.com published article titled: “Why Control4 Corp. Shares Skyrocketed”, Fool.com published: “Why Control4 Corp.’s Shares Lost Control Today” on February 06, 2015. More interesting news about Control4 Corp (NASDAQ:CTRL) was released by: Seekingalpha.com and their article: “Control4 Corp. Could Be A Buyout Target In The Near Term” with publication date: October 30, 2014.

CTRL Company Profile

Control4 Corporation (Control4), incorporated on March 27, 2003, is a well-known provider of automation and control solutions for the connected home. The Firm provides its clients with the ability to integrate audio, video, lighting, temperature, security, communications and other functionalities into a unified home-automation solution. The Company’s solution functions as the operating system of the home, making connected devices work together to control, automate and personalize the homes and businesses of its consumers.

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By Pete Kolinski

Tags: (NASDAQ:CTRL), Control4 Corp, CTRL

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