How much would you pay to never have to waste time looking for your keys, phone, or remote again? The people behind the TrackR Atlas are betting that for most of us, that would be $79. That’s the entry price for a package that will allow for multi-room location services.
With one of these… your phone now will show a map of your home and display the exact location of the missing item.
What is it?

TrackR Atlas is a Wi-Fi enabled plug that connects to TrackR’s existing Bravo tags. TrackR Atlas is designed to address one of the shortcomings of the stand alone Bravo tags – ambiguity. The previous system required you to wander around with your phone until you got to be about 40 feet from the tag before you could reliably locate the misplaced item. That’s where the Atlas comes in. With one of these plugged into the power outlets in your house, your phone now will show a map of your home and display the exact location of the missing item.
That’s not all the folks at are giving us with the Trackr Atlas either – they are building in support for 3rd party Bluetooth tracker devices, voice recognition, and Amazon’s Echo. With the Echo, finding your keys would be as simple as saying “Alexa, where are my keys” and you could hear Alexa answer, “In the bedroom”.
Another intriguing, and perhaps the most important feature is the “Crowd GPS” that TrackR says will help us find our items even when they are lost out in the wilds of the real world. The theory is that a Bravo tag on a lost or stolen backpack, bicycle, or even pet could be picked up by a random passerby who happens to also have the TrackR app on their phone. This would allow your lost or stolen belongings to ping their location, facilitating their recovery. TrackR’s developers claim that it wont take many adopters to make crowd GPS actually work and their company boasts of having the largest Crowd GPS network, but only time will really tell.
The Bravo tags are already available, and TrackR hopes that the Atlas will be shipping out June 2016.