Smart home energy & water saving products and technologies are saving vital resources & money by helping people move ‚off the grid’.
— Executive Host Ken Riead
KANSAS CITY, MISSOURI, UNITED STATES, March 9, 2017 / — Going Off the Grid is the theme of the Spring 2017 EGM Connect 3D Virtual Tradeshow and smart home technology is helping to guide the way. The idea of ‘Going Off the Grid’ can be tempting but many people view it as a drastic move or ‘a last resort’. In reality, each time a person makes their home or business more energy or water efficient they can subsequently use less energy and/or water, in essence ‘going off the grid’.
One of the more recent and very popular ways to wean away from the increasing expense of the power and water grid is through smart home technologies using voice activated devices like the Amazon* Echo® or Google* Home®. However, many the energy and water controlling products, such as light dimmers, garage door openers and irrigation systems, are made by companies independent of Amazon or Google.
In fact, it is common for a vast number of products to be ‘control technology agnostic’ and thereby able to work with Google, Amazon, Ecobee* and other existing and emerging control technologies. A sampling of these items that can be controlled but most people don’t think about are: fresh air ventilation systems, water heating systems, electric vehicle charging stations, robot vacuum cleaners and emergency generators.
In the new off-the-grid pavilion at the Spring 2017 EGM Connect 3D Virtual Tradeshow there are smart products that can be combined to save energy and water, translating into money savings on utility bills. The fact that these products can be controlling technology independent means that if one smart management controlling device does not work as expected then the customer can switch technologies without having to replace all the peripheral equipment that they also purchased.
The Spring 2017 EGMC3D Tradeshow has doubled in size from the Fall 2016 show and has more space for new exhibitors, products, technologies and sponsors. Every booth has one or more virtual assistants available 24 hours a day, seven days a week so once the live event goes by a person can return anytime to visit booths, download/save literature, contact exhibitor representatives and view products in a 3D rotatable format. It is recommended to attend the live event on April 6th through 8th, 2017 to gain the most from your visit but you can visit anytime 24 hours a day afterwards.
Attending the tradeshow is complimentary and no download or app is required to walk personalized avatars around the tradeshow floor. Just use the following link to register and attend for no charge:
Please Note: The discounts for exhibitor booths and sponsorships have been extended from March 10th to March 15th, 2017 and more details about this unique online virtual tradeshow can be found at:
*EGM Connect 3D Virtual Tradeshows are not affiliated with Google or Amazon and make no claims as to the compatibility of products and technologies as described in this article. Google and Amazon are respective trade names that offer voice activated products associated with smart homes and there are other players in the smart home control world such as Nest, Ecobee and more.
Ken Riead
Doff Industries
email us here
Presentation at the 2017 RESNET Conference about Virtual Marketing using the EGM Connect 3D Virtual Tradeshow Platform by Executive Host Ken Riead
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