Retailers Enhancing Customer Experience With IoT

Apr 10, 2017

A study conducted worldwide by Zebra Technologies Brazil and released in São Paulo indicates that 70 percent of retailers plan to invest in Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to improve the customer experience. By 2021, the study indicates, smart technologies will provide consumers with new levels of customization, speed and convenience.

“From store aisles to warehouses and shelves, retailers are promoting these changes in a dispute to better serve customers,” says Vanderlei Ferreira, Zebra Technologies Brazil’s country manager, highlighting the rapid flow of retail changes around the world. “The study demonstrated that retailers are poised to meet and exceed customer expectations with new levels of customization, speed and convenience.”

Vanderlei Ferreira, Zebra Technologies Brazil’s country manager

Zebra’s “2017 Retail Industry Study” examined the technology trends that are shaping the future of the global retail industry and enhancing the consumer shopping experience. The survey showed that nearly two-thirds of respondents who are responsible for retail decision-making are ready to adopt technologies related to the IoT concept.

According to the data, 65 percent of respondents plan to invest in automation technologies to ensure inventory management and compliance by 2021. Research shows that continued growth in online shopping will challenge retailers to offer unprecedented levels of convenience for customer loyalty. “By 2021,” the study indicates, “65% plan to explore innovative delivery services, such as those made in workplaces, homes and even in parked cars.”

In addition, approximately 80 percent of retailers will be able to customize shoppers’ visits to their stores by 2021, according to the study. Most will know, for example, when a particular customer is inside their establishment. This will be enabled by technologies such as micro-localization, which allows users to capture more data accurately and have more knowledge about buyers.

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