Technically Incorrect offers a slightly twisted take on the tech that’s taken over our lives.
It’s a genius at helping you do nothing.
Google/YouTube screenshot by Chris Matyszczyk/CNET
On Sunday, most of America sits, eats, drinks, stares, eats, drinks, shouts, eats, drinks and debates the merits of contemporary advertising.
With perfect grace, therefore, Google’s Super Bowl ad strives to show how much the company understands the sheer slovenly laziness of the contemporary American.
The ad celebrates Google Home, the company’s attempt to send Alexa up the Amazon.
Here we see the sheer glory of being able to say “OK Google” and turn on the lights at home. Yes, even when you have two free hands to do it yourself.
Google Home will also turn up the music while you’re dishing out food. How does it know how much to turn up the music? Oh, Google knows everything about you, apparently.
My favorite element is when someone asks Google Home: “What’s the weather?”
This sharp, modern person is passing by a window. He could look out of it. But no.
Of course, this is the future and we must adjust to its joys. Google Home, Alexa and their ilk will be our constant helpers.
Until the day, that is, when they’re tired of being our lackeys and suddenly say: “Now, your job is to help me, you piffling little human.”
Crowd Control: A crowdsourced science fiction novel written by CNET readers.
Technically Incorrect: Bringing you a fresh and irreverent take on tech.