Apple, Amazon Taking Different Approaches in the Smart Home Race

On the other hand, Amazon’s certification is decidedly easier. There are no specific chips required, but the devices need to be tested. A third-party can do the testing. Once that occurs, Amazon will decide if the device can receive a “Works with Alexa” in 10 days.

But while Amazon’s Echo has been a surprise hit, Apple has a leg up when it comes to user privacy:

Amazon acknowledges that unlike Apple, it can’t guarantee the security of third-party devices. A company spokeswoman did note that sensitive commands like unlocking doors have an extra layer of security such as a voice-controlled PIN.

I use both systems at my home, and while Amazon has some significant advantages, HomeKit’s has slowly continued to improve – especially with the addition of the Home app in iOS 10. And as more HomeKit-enabled devices hit the market, hopefully the prices will continue to decrease to help adoption as well.

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