Smart home devices connect to a network to monitor, or change, the state of your home, whether that’s something as simple as turning off a coffee pot or turning down the heat, or something as complicated as home security or monitoring room activity.
As artificial intelligences develop, the options for what can be automated or watched for continue to grow. Below, experts from Forbes Technology Council have their own predictions as to what the next innovation in smart home technology will be, ranging from predicting needs for repairs to users changing the settings on multiple devices with a single verbal command. Here’s what they say:
Lutron Electronics Co. Pico remote wireless controllers and an Apple Inc. iPad displaying smart home functions. Photographer: David Paul Morris/Bloomberg
1. AIs Will Watch Health
Advances in AI will fuel smart home technology. Information will be sent to the cloud and analyzed by neural networks to determine the smartest settings. Machine learning will become even better at predicting the desires of the occupant, beyond changing temperature. In the future, things like Life Alert will be obsolete, as the whole home will sense the well-being of its occupants and save their lives, if necessary. – Gideon Kimbrell, InList, Inc
2. Macro Actions Will Be Called By Voice
Controlled by a voice-activated assistant, at home or remotely, we will have access to any task we want to achieve through sensors and control devices. This won’t be limited to out-of-the-box functionality, but will enable you to define your own actions and flows. Say “I want to chill” could dim the lights, close the blinds, pour you a drink, and play your favorite music. – Steve Wilkes, Striim, Inc.
3. Pictures Frames Can Change Depending On Who’s Near
Digital photo frames have existed for years, but have barely evolved. I see the next innovation coming in a relatively inexpensive replacement for the traditional frame. Coupled with a phone, nearby frames could update based on who is in the room. Leveraging displays that mimic traditional paper without back lighting would allow for long life without hard wiring. – Jeff Jahn, DynamiX